Leveraging Data to Improve Clinical Care
Goshua Lab at Yale School of Medicine

December 1, 2023
Next Gen awarded at the American Society of Hematology Meeting

November 1, 2023
Global recognition: NOMIS Foundation and Editors of Science Magazine

May 1, 2023
Christina Waldron awarded ASH HONORS

Our Collaborators
We are the spoke of a collaborative research hub that include experts from leading health care institutions around the world.

Aligning Clinical Treatment Strategies with Value and Equity to Improve Health Care Performance
The US continues to rank #1/11 in health care spending and #11/11 in healthcare performance. We consistently pay more for less health. The Goshua Lab fuses state-of-the-art in quantitative decision science with clinical expertise to address this value lost, with a particular focus on rare hematologic-oncologic diseases. Our analytic lens includes both conventional value (i.e., cost-benefit) and equity-informed analyses to inform stakeholders’ decision-making on resource allocation in health care.
Our Work
Source: Mirror, Mirror 2021: Reflecting Poorly, The Commonwealth Fund
Selected Recognitions
Our work has been recognized by premier national organizations and conferences
Most cited original research manuscript in
The Lancet Hematology (>1,000 citations)
Oral Presentations
(17 ASH, 1 EHA, 2 SMDM)
Trending manuscript globally on PubMed (Blood)
ASH Press Program Selections
(from >5000 abstracts)
Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States
Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A
Annals of Internal Medicine
Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (1 of 2 in 2022)
Practical impact: For treatment funding decisions, even if gene therapy is cost-ineffective by conventional CEA standards, it is an equitable therapy per DCEA standards in the United States for patients with sickle cell disease.
Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States
Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A
Annals of Internal Medicine
Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (1 of 2 in 2022)
Practical impact: For treatment funding decisions, even if gene therapy is cost-ineffective by conventional CEA standards, it is an equitable therapy per DCEA standards in the United States for patients with sickle cell disease.
Featured Publications
Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States
Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A
Annals of Internal Medicine
Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (1 of 2 in 2022)
Practical impact: For treatment funding decisions, even if gene therapy is cost-ineffective by conventional CEA standards, it is an equitable therapy per DCEA standards in the United States for patients with sickle cell disease.
Featured Publications
Featured Publications

Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States
Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A
Annals of Internal Medicine
Cost-effectiveness of rapid vs. in-house vs. send-out ADAMTS13 testing for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Allen C, Ito S, Butt A, Purcell A, Richmond R, Tormey CA, Krumholz HM, Cuker A, Goshua G.
Blood Advances
Impact: Faster adjudication of iTTP diagnosis with rapid ADAMTS13 is cost-saving for patients suspected to have iTTP, regardless of treatment regimen (Hopkins-Penn-Yale collaboration). ASH Abstract Achievement Award, Best of ASH for North America, Best of ASH (HTRS), UK TTP Registry/US TMA Selection (C. Allen)

Decreasing alloimmunization-specific mortality in sickle cell disease in the United States: Cost-effectiveness of a shared transfusion resource
American Journal of Hematology
Impact: Supporting the mission of the 501(c)(3) Alloantibody Exchange www.alloantibody.org. 2022 ASH Press Program Selection.

Cost-effectiveness of bevacizumab in the care of patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Wang D, Ito S, Waldron C, Butt A, Zhang E, Krumholz HM, Al-Samkari H, Goshua G.
Blood Advances
Impact: Decreasing the need for hospital, emergency, and procedural care with the use of bevacizumab (vs no bevacizumab) improves quality-adjusted life expectancy and saves costs in the care of people living with HHT (MGH-Yale collaboration). ASH Abstract Achievement Award, Best of ASH (HTRS) (D. Wang)

Cost-effectiveness of iptacopan for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Ito S*, Chetlapalli K*, Wang D, Potnis KC, Richmond R, Krumholz H, Lee AI, Cuker A, Goshua G.