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Leveraging Data to Improve Clinical Care

Goshua Lab at Yale School of Medicine

December 1, 2023
Next Gen awarded at the American Society of Hematology Meeting
November 1, 2023
Global recognition: NOMIS Foundation and Editors of Science Magazine
May 1, 2023
Christina Waldron awarded ASH HONORS
Abstract Futuristic Background

Goshua Lab at Yale School of Medicine

Leveraging Data to Improve Clinical Care

Our Collaborators

We are the spoke of a collaborative research hub that include experts from leading health care institutions around the world.

Aligning Clinical Treatment Strategies with Value and Equity to Improve Health Care Performance

The US continues to rank #1/11 in health care spending and #11/11 in healthcare performance. We consistently pay more for less health. The Goshua Lab fuses state-of-the-art in quantitative decision science with clinical expertise to address this value lost, with a particular focus on rare hematologic-oncologic diseases. Our analytic lens includes both conventional value (i.e., cost-benefit) and equity-informed analyses to inform stakeholders’ decision-making on resource allocation in health care.

Our Work

Source: Mirror, Mirror 2021: Reflecting Poorly, The Commonwealth Fund

Selected Recognitions

Our work has been recognized by premier national organizations and conferences


Most cited original research manuscript in
The Lancet Hematology


Oral Presentations 
(11 ASH, 1 EHA, 2 SMDM)


Trending manuscript globally on PubMed (Blood)


ASH Press Program Selections
(from >5000 abstracts)

Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States

Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A

Annals of Internal Medicine


Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (1 of 2 in 2022)

Practical impact: For treatment funding decisions, even if gene therapy is cost-ineffective by conventional CEA standards, it is an equitable therapy per DCEA standards in the United States for patients with sickle cell disease.

Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States

Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A

Annals of Internal Medicine


Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (1 of 2 in 2022)

Practical impact: For treatment funding decisions, even if gene therapy is cost-ineffective by conventional CEA standards, it is an equitable therapy per DCEA standards in the United States for patients with sickle cell disease.

Featured Publications

Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States

Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A

Annals of Internal Medicine


Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (1 of 2 in 2022)

Practical impact: For treatment funding decisions, even if gene therapy is cost-ineffective by conventional CEA standards, it is an equitable therapy per DCEA standards in the United States for patients with sickle cell disease.

Featured Publications

Featured Publications

Recent Updates

Next Gen awarded at the American Society of Hematology Meeting



Global recognition: NOMIS Foundation and Editors of Science Magazine



Christina Waldron awarded ASH HONORS



Distributional cost-effectiveness of equity-enhancing gene therapy in sickle cell disease in the United States

Goshua G, Calhoun C, Ito S, James L, Luviano A, Krishnamurti L, Pandya A

Annals of Internal Medicine


Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (1 of 2 in 2022)

Practical impact: For treatment funding decisions, even if gene therapy is cost-ineffective by conventional CEA standards, it is an equitable therapy per DCEA standards in the United States for patients with sickle cell disease.

Cost-effectiveness of second-line therapies in adults with chronic immune thrombocytopenia

Goshua G, Sinha P, Kunst N, Pischel L, Lee AI, Cuker A

American Journal of Hematology


Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral, ASH Abstract Achievement Award (2021 ASH Trainee Recipient: Dr. Goshua), Best of ASH for North America, Best of ASH (HTRS), 2022 American Journal of Hematology Young Investigator Award Paper of the Year [Finalist]

Practical impact: Fills gap in the 2019 ASH ITP Guidelines and shows that the theoretical concerns about splenectomy tripartite risks that led to its decreased utilization in the United States across 2000-2020 do not outweigh treatment benefit. In addition, for patients whose values and preferences align with surgery, splenectomy-early strategies are the cost-effective strategies.

Decreasing alloimmunization-specific mortality in sickle cell disease in the United States: Cost-effectiveness of a shared transfusion resource

American Journal of Hematology


Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral and ASH Press Program Selection (2 of 2 in 2022)

Practical impact: Supporting the mission of the 501(c)(3) Alloantibody Exchange

Cost effectiveness of caplacizumab in acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Goshua G, Sinha P, Hendrickon JE, Tormey C, Bendapudi PK, Lee AI



Conference Recognitions: ASH Oral, Best of ASH (HTRS), ASH Abstract Achievement Award (2020 ASH Trainee Recipient: Dr. Goshua). #1 global trend manuscript (PubMed December 2020)

Practical impact: First health economic evidence of robust caplacizumab cost-ineffectiveness in best-case base-case (even-if analysis) with subsequent 2022 international debates at ISTH (London) and ASH (New Orleans; Education Spotlight).

Cost savings to hospital of rituximab use in severe autoimmune acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Goshua G, Gokhale A, Hendrickson JE, Tormey C, Lee AI

Blood Advances


Conference Recognitions: ASH Abstract Achievement Award (2018 ASH Trainee Recipient: Dr. Goshua).

Practical impact: Supported dozens of inpatient formulary approvals across the United States.

Featured Publications

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